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2011 Rib Fest at the:
Pacific National Exhibition
2901 East Hasting Street
Vancouver, BC Canada V5K 5J1
604-253-2311, Fax 604-251-7753

Rick Streiff "BBQbyDan"
- Dan Cannon
"QN4U" - Brent Walton
Departure - Sunday, 14-August-2011
Sunday, 14-August-2011, Rick and Karen Streiff arrived to hook-up to my
trailered 2 Ole Hickory pits that we were taking to Vancouver. We
needed to hook up with Brent Walton at his QN4U BBQ House restaurant as
we were all going to Vancouver caravanning together, all towing
trailers, and staying at KOA's each evening.
We arrived at the QN4U BBQ house, in Clovis California, at approximately 14:00. Brent and Kim
sat down and we had a nice lunch prior to hooking up the required
trailers and traveling the remaining 180 miles to the West Sacramento
KOA for the evening. We left the BBQ House at 15:00 and arrived at the
KOA approximately 19:00.
Enroute to Vancouver
Our plan was to leave on Sunday for Canada, stay at KOA's Sunday,
Monday, and Tuesday evenings. Then arrive at the Canadian border early
on Wednesday morning so as not to have a long delay crossing the border.
We did in fact arrive at the border approximately 09:30 (+/-) Wednesday
morning. We were instructed to park the three trucks/trailers, go
inside to have our work permits issued (we had already obtained them at
the Canadian consulate in Los Angeles), provide keys to the border
agents, answer their questions, then roughly 30 minutes later we were
okayed to proceed to the PNE venue for a two day booth setup to start
vending cases of Pork Spareribs, Beef Tritip, Pork Butt, Smoked Sausage Links,
Potato Salad, Beans, and Coca Cola Soda's and Water daily, for 17 days at the PNE Ribfest.
Arrival - Wednesday 17-August-2011
We arrived at the PNE vending booth setup area approximately 11:00 on
Wednesday. As you can see in the pictures the booths or much of the
facility had not yet been built up. To ensure we had the right spot and
location we contacted Justin Kyllo of Smoke and Bones BBQ, to be located
in a booth down from us. Justin was also the PNE Ribfest coordinator. He
placed us and provided us with much of our needs during the entire
event. Just adjacent to us was Rob Reinhardt, Prairie Smoke &
Spice BBQ, who was also in the process of setting up his booth as well.
The companies / restaurants / booths / teams that were on site and set up to vend BBQ were:
Smoke and Bones BBQ
Justin & Cheryl Kyllo & family
Vancouver Canada
QN4U BBQ House
Brent Walton
Clovis California
and ( teams up together as QN4U for this great event )
Agua Dulce California
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Prairie Smoke & Spice BBQ
Rob Reinhardt & family
Regina Saskatchewan Canada
Gator BBQ Company
Matt Smith and son Nick Smith
Ontario Canada
Crazy Canuck Smokers,
??? sorry, forgot to get proper names for this team !!! If
provided I will post !?!
The vending went on for 17 days straight. Did somebody say
"Groundhog Day" !!! Sure seemed like it. Up at 07:00 to receive the food
deliveries and get everything setup. Close at 11:00 to midnight
(depending up the crowds), booking and cleaning till 01:30 - 02:00.
Then get up and repeat this every morning. Everyday we did case after
case of BBQ Ribs, Pork Butts, Smoked Sausage Links, TriTips, BBQ Beans,
and Potato Salad. We had a crew of a dozen local Canadians that worked
for us and were the BEST !!! The ring leader, Yvonne Ko, helped to secure a
lot of the participants as we needed help and needed people that were
reliable and would show up everyday, work hard, and provide our
customers the "best of the best" service. AND, all our people that very
What a great crew we had !!! Their names were:
Yvonne Ko (Ring-leader), Clint Mofakham, Jordan Leveille, Kevin Coates,
Toby Zhang,
Eric Kan, Andrew Yang,
Bartosz Suchorowski, Amber Frost, Kevin Beaulieu, and Kevin
Sorry to anybody I missed.
Please send your name and I will post. I tried hard to get it
Also, special thanks to Lorraine Brett, PNE Exhibit Manager, and
Justin & Cheryl Kyllo, RibFest PNE Event Coordinators for making everything
so easy for us, facilitating our every need, and making the overall
experience very comfortable !!!
Also, a few other mentions:
Josh the PNE Plumber made everything perfect reference to water,
drainage, and hook-up facilitation
Danny and his Electrical team who worked so hard to ensure all
the power requirements were met and perfect during the entire event
Ron the Coca Cola service person who helped us every day with
mechanical or refrigeration needs
Bill with Gordon Food Services (GFS) who ensured we had food
product in our hands every day
Rick Bone who was there everyday to help us with our food
facilitation needs, and just general vending requirements
and again to all those I forgot to mention who worked for us and made it
so easy to sell BBQ product to all the PNE attendees.
Okay Brent... I will not mention your GREAT adventure with parking
17 days was a LONG time to be working this hard. I probably have not
worked this hard since I was in the Army, Basic Training to be exact. We
were all tired and beat, except that is for Brent Walton. Since he is a
BBQ machine he kept on non-stop and never showed any wear for the
grueling schedule. Maybe operating his restaurant, QN4U BBQ House for
the last 3-4 years has built up his stamina and expectations of what
each day brings.
We ended up leaving Tuesday. The fair ended on Monday (September 4th, a
holiday) evening. Left Tuesday, the next day.
Departure Tuesday, 6-September-2011
Needless to say all the folks from all the booths were all ready for the
last day. We were all planning a "Wrap Party" after closing. Along
with starting the booth breakdown !!! Of course that partying and booth
breakdown did not end till roughly 04:00 am !!! BUT, I have to say that
Brent, with hired help, had 3/4's of the breakdown completed. And, with
all those big signs and banners that had to be built and attached that
is saying a lot! Rick Bone was a big help with everything, including the
breakdown. It was also nice to sit with everybody that had made the
Ribfest happen and successful in a relaxing and social way versus the
harsh work environment we had all worked through the previous 17
straight days of BBQ vending !!!
Everybody returned by 09:00 the next morning and we finalized the
packing of everything into the 3 trailers. We were the first team to be
finished, done, packed, and enroute back to home. We ended up pulling
out at roughly 03:00 pm.
We were planning on getting back into the USA and at the first KOA we
could hit across the border, thus, we arrived at roughly 06:00 and were
finally ready for a relaxing adult beverage, debriefing, and a bit of
relaxation and self-congratulations by all.
Enroute & Arrival Home - Saturday 10-September-2011
The trip home was relaxing and enjoyable! Finally we were able to rest
and relax a bit. AND, not put 32 butts on the pits each night and 4
cases of ribs in the Ole Hickory's at sun-up.
We traveled 550 miles the 2nd day, long, and pulled into the next KOA at
roughly 09:00. Much to the dismay of all our neighboring campers as we
did not hit the sack till midnight!
Then the next day 90 miles to the Mount Shasta KOA where we arrived by
noon, relaxed, had a nice dinner, and really came to a stop for the
longest time during the entire month-long journey.
Pulled out the next day and landed 400 miles later at Clovis, the QN4U
BBQ House, where we could really relax, be at home, and finally feel
like the vent was about at an end.
Rick, Karen, and I stayed overnight after a nice dinner and social time
provided by Brent and Kim, then headed home the next day (Saturday) to
arrived at the BBQbyDan residence around noon! Finally, the month long
adventure / journey, was complete.
One week later and we are all still tired and sore. When will it end
below : |
An artistic piece
done by a local Canadian at his metal fabrication company. Welded in Surgical stainless
& polished to a mirror finish. The artists welds designs,
creates, and welds the entire piece heard that it was being sold to a
purchaser in Hong Kong for 4.5 million. But, that is just not
official and what I heard from folks standing by the dragon and it could
be just people talking!
QN4U BBQ Vending booth |
All 5 of the BBQ Vending booths |
Departing from the BBQbyDan location
and then arrival and departure from the QN4U BBQ Hous4e in Clovis
Our vehicles crossing from the U.S.
side into Canada, enroute to Vancouver
Arriving in Vancouver
The vending site prior to booth setup |
The vending site prior to any booth
being setup |
Behind the vending trailer prior to
booth setup. Special thanks to PNE management for letting us keep
that table behind all the booths so all the team members could relax and socialize
when we found a free moment ! |
Fire lane behind the booth |
We teamed up for the
and vending
QN4U BBQ Vending booth
Brent &
Lorraine Brett, Manager PNE Exhibit Space
Gator BBQ Booth, rear, right |
Smoke and Bones BBQ Booth |
QN4U BBQ Vending Booth
QN4U BBQ Vending Booth
Gator BBQ Booth (Matt & Nick Smith) |
Brent ready to open the event
Smoke and Bones BBQ Booth |
Brent &
Lorraine Brett, Manager PNE Exhibit Space |
QN4U BBQ Vending Booth
QN4U BBQ Vending Booth |
Television news van at BBQ booths
Myself in makeup prior to
the morning Breakfast Television show
Brent and I waiting in the "Morning
Breakfast" Television Green room |
Television News Show Interviewer |
Dan Cannon,
Brent Walton, TV Announcer, Justin Kyllo, and Rob Reinhardt
The Morning Breakfast Television News
Show Interviewer (the girl) & setup |
The Morning Breakfast Television News
Show Interview setup
TV Press folks relaxing behind the
booths |
PNE Press contact and Brent |
Behind the booth
QN4U BBQ Vending Booth staff
Yvonne was the "ringleader" and helped us identify many of the great
staff members !!!
Kevin, Jordan, Clint |
Andrew Yang with a case of ribs above
his head!!!
Andrews talking and voice kept me in sync... when he was gone I missed
hearing him commenting on everything !!! In fact Andrew's talking
and metronome type voice
kept the serving line sync'ed up perfectly and helped a bunch !!!
We did 12-16 cases of ribs alone daily !!!
As well as 24-32 Pork Butts, Tritips, Sausage Links, Beans, Potato
Salad, sodas, and water, in the same
quantities EVERY DAY !!! |
Clint, Jordan, Kevin, Bart
Bart was our RIGHT-HAND MAN,
he really worked hard at the real physical things !!! |
Clint, Jordan, Kevin |
Toby, Eric, Andrew Yvonne, Jordon,
Rick, Kevin, & Clint |
Eric, Andrew Yvonne, Jordan, Rick,
Kevin, Toby, & Clint
Toby, Andrew, Dan, Jordan,
Rick, Kevin, Toby, & Clint
Yvonne's friends visiting |
Brent, Bartosz, Amber
Bartosz was our RIGHT-HAND MAN,
He could prep all the raw ribs, then cut them cooked for serving.
Not to mention getting all the Beans and Potato Salad ready to go !!!
Great job Bart !!! |
Friend from Donut vending booth |
Toby, Andrew, Eric |
Yvonne Ko ( Ringleader and provider
of many of our staff ) & Dan (me)
What a great crew we had helping
us the QN4U BBQ Rib Fest Booth !!! Their names were:
Yvonne Ko (Ring-leader), Clint Mofakham, Jordan Leveille, Kevin Coates,
Toby Zhang,
Eric Kan, Andrew Yang,
Bartosz Suchorowski, Amber Frost, Kevin Beaulieu, and Kevin.
Sorry to anybody I missed. Please send you name and I will post.
I tried hard to get it right!
Justin Kyllo getting a large Sausage dog
for his crew to enjoy
Brent & Yvonne setting up the booth
cash register |
Crazy Canuck Smokers
The Wrap Party on the last
day after 17 days of continuous BBQ Vending |
Rob Reinhardt & team/family, Regina
Saskatchewan Canada
Justin Kyllo did sneak in on the right !
Rick Bone, Helped
QN4U BBQ House
Rob's Dad and Tanya
from Robs team,
Rob's Dad and Tanya
from Robs team, |
The Wrap Party, last day !!! |
Matt Smith (Gator BBQ
& Brent Walton (QN4U Booth)
Brent Walton, Karen
& Rick Streiff, and myself Hanging at a KOA's to and from Vancouver
BBQ Rub/Seasoning made prior to event
and taken to Vancouver, 28 tubs !!! |
The companies / restaurants / booths / teams that were on site and set up to vend BBQ were:
Smoke and Bones BBQ
Justin & Cheryl Kyllo & family
Vancouver Canada

QN4U BBQ House
Brent Walton
Clovis California

BBQbyDan Inc.
Agua Dulce California
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< Awards for Cooking Excellence >

Prairie Smoke & Spice BBQ
Rob Reinhardt & family
Regina Saskatchewan Canada

Gator BBQ Company
Matt Smith and son Nick Smith
Ontario Canada

Crazy Canuck Smokers,
??? sorry, forgot to get proper names for this team !!! If
provided I will post !?!

BBQbyDan Index of Past BBQ Events & Write-ups > |
Inc.™, BBQDan™,
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06 Jan 2015 12:33
