Twentynine Palms Marine Base
Many volunteers, the
California BBQ Association, and many corporate and private individuals,
contribute their money, time, resources, and sweat to help provide the
Marines and their dependents with a FANTASTIC BBQ DINNER
4,662 pounds of full Brisket (333 +/- roasts),
3,000 pounds of Chicken quarters (3000 +/- pieces) were processed and
cooked by the volunteers listed and pictured below. Along with
hamburgers and hot dogs.
Pictures and comments by attendees below...
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http://picasaweb.google.com/rickstreiff = Link to Rick Streiff's
picture album from this event
Bill Wight,
managing the BBQbyDan Ole Hickory Smoker with 45, fifteen pound, briskets
just loaded. The 2nd sister smoker holds another 30.
They just went in at 20:00 to be pulled by 09:00
Same 45 briskets the next morning at
09:00. All done and ready to pull. Cooked to 195 degrees.
Will be put in a cooler to continue cooking and then be chopped for
Randy Gille handling the 76 briskets
in his cooker. He beat me by 1 brisket.
Both my Ole Hickory's hold 75 briskets in total. Randy almost got disqualified for
removing some briskets early but still squeaked by the scoring committee !!!! He did beat me!!!
Randy's pit with 76 briskets in it.
Well, does neatness and brisket organization give me any points??? |
Del King and
Monty Preston, participants that helped make this event happen and
John Scott and Bill Wight loading
prepped and seasoned briskets for insertion to Papa John's Smoker
Del and Monty again, different angle |
Sharon Scott, in front of their Papa
John's Smoker. Waiting to load briskets |
Brent Walton
waiting to load his pit
John and Sharon Scott, Papa John's BBQ
Randy Gille trying to handle his large
load of Briskets |
Brent STILL lighting his pit???
Brent Walton
and John Scott's pits |
BBQbyDan's work area with my two
trailered Ole Hickory's
BBQbyDan's work area with my two
trailered Ole Hickory's |
Brent Walton and Rick Streiff |
Meredith's & friend |
Dan Daniels, Dan Cannon,
and Bill Keys. 1st Dan and Bill are BBQ Team Tropical Heat |
Brent Walton, QN4U |
Fantastic helpers and volunteers from
5 years back and all these big events,
Dan Drogichen & Ann Hoeppner
Volunteers prepping meats
Volunteers prepping meats |
Volunteers prepping meats |
Volunteers prepping meats |
Neil Strawder & volunteers prepping meats
Del managing the loading and unloading
of the refrigerated meat pallets while directing strategic preperation
Pallet rows of brisket & Chicken |
The guys doing hamburgers & hot dogs |
Folks that volunteered to bring
their pits out, prep, and help.
Bill Saddler, Joe Miles, and Patty
Monty, Bill, and Monty, volunteers
taking a break
Myself Buffalo Chopping |
Kyle & Glen Stanly
with Thom Emery sitting on water and drinks donated by Sparketts for all
the helpers and participants |
Volunteer helpers Leonard and Monty |
Dell King talking BBQ with some
visiting Marines |
Myself Buffalo Chopping the briskets
for easy serving. Usually I don't like my brisket served like
this. But, Hey, with 4,662 pounds of brisket how else are we going
to get it on the plates!
The "Young Marines" helped to serve and handle
the serving duties |
The "Young Marines" helped to serve and handle
the serving duties
Volunteers helped to serve and handle
the serving duties |
Volunteers helped to serve and handle
the serving duties |
Marine Police coming later in the
evening, after the concert, to check things out. I always have
some BBQ and sauce set aside for such visits!
A visiting, BBQ hungry Marine,
visiting with Brent Walton
No, that is not a BEER, it is a bottle of BBQ Sauce!!! |
Big Kenny and John Rich (Big $ Rich), Cowboy Troy
& 2 foot Fred (Freddie Gill). The Concert Band
of the evening, has their equipment arriving in two semi trailer trucks
Big & Rich on stage |
Big & Rich on stage with an
enthusiastic participant from the audience |
Big & Rich on stage with a Marine
Freddie Gill (2 foot Fred) (Deuce)
tours with Big Kenny and John Rich |
Cowboy Troy (Troy Coleman) makes his
Cowboy Troy
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BBQbyDan Index of Past BBQ Events & Write-ups >
All concert pictures and many of the
others were taken by Rick Streiff
http://picasaweb.google.com/rickstreiff = Link to Rick Streiff's
picture album from this event
From Tony McDowell, CBBQA Forum comment:
Fellow BBQers
I want to personally THANK You for your effort and support this past
weekend for Salute 07. I met with personnel from the base yesterday and
they said the whole event was a success. They were overwhelmed with your
BBQ skills the brisket and chicken were excellent they said the crowd
was between 10,000 to 12,000 and 67 Kegs of beer were served. Big & Rich
called the base to say this was their favorite performance of the year.
Montgomery Gentry heard about the event and contacted the base to try to
get them to lock him in for next year.
Thank you Young Marines from Tustin I was told there was no wait in the
lines and that you going the extra mile helped to make this event a
Again thank you all for all you did and do.
Tony McDowell
29 Palms CBBQA rep
Local Rep CBBQA
Del King, CBBQA Forum comment:
I want to thank everyone that showed up and made this happen, If you
were there it couldn't have been pulled off without you. We had more
meat than expected. both in brisket and chicken. Shoot we had double the
amount of chicken than I was told there was going to be. Randy Gill was
the winner in pit stuffing contest putting briskets in his pit at one
time he beat Dan Cannon by one (1) brisket. Everyone was great in
accepting more and more work. There were less pits and people there this
year to work but the ones that were there put in ever effort plus and
the job got done.
THANK YOU for coming and ALL the hard work.
Del King, Once a Marine, always a Marine
From John & Sharon Scott, CBBQA Forum comment:
Sharen and I really had a great time at the Salute '07 for the
troops at the 29 Palms Marine Base this past weekend. Sharen was
wondering how Del's back was holding up, as he was lifting case after
case of brisket off of the pallets to the people at the prep table on
Friday night, and then there he was again on Saturday morning, with
chicken, chicken and more chicken! I enjoyed the smokin'...as always.
Bring it on!! Everyone was as eager as I was to put more meat on just as
soon as some came off their cooker. We had a great time visiting with
great friends we've met this past year, and meeting new people too! It
was for a great cause...we can never do enough to thank the men and
women who serve our country....! This was our first time for this
event....and we'll be back again next year!
John and Sharen Scott
Papa's Smokehouse BBQ
From Glen Stanley, CBBQA Forum comment:
My son Kyle and I had a great time helping out with this event......
Being a 14 year old boy with lots of other things he could have been
doing this weekend, I was happy that he wanted to come out with me to
help feed the Marines. A couple of his friends kept calling him and
teasing him about all the fun he was missing out on. I overheard him
tell one of the kids that feeding the Marines was way more important
than hanging out with them. He worked a full day, and never once
complained. On the drive home, he asked me when were we going to do it
again. I am a proud papa!!!
It was great to see everyone, and to visit a bit around all the work we
put in. What a great BBQ family we have......
It was also great to have some of the Marines stop by and thank us for
feeding them. Man, that makes it all worth while for me.
This event is listed on the calendar as a CBBQA training & service
event, BBQ 101. It seems as though we have a number of newbie's who
occasionally ask what they can do to gain more knowledge and experience.
Well, fellow newbie's, this was your chance!!! We had a handful of our
best cooks at this event, and it was the perfect environment to get some
questions answered and to observe up close what they do and how they do
And you just never know when one of them might take you under their wing
for a day :)
I know that Brian Kreisler and I (the only two newbie's I'm aware of
that attended) walked away from this event with a lot more knowledge
than we went in with, and all it cost us was a little hard work.
I know people can't make every event, but it sure would have been nice
to see a better turn out for this one........
Proud Member of P.E.T.A. (People Eating Tasty Animals)
From Bentley Meredith, CBBQA Forum comment:
You are welcome, it is always a pleasure to give back to those who serve
our country, and thank you for your service!
From Kristen Meredith, CBBQA Forum comment:
Once again a great effort by all who turned out with pits both big and
small!! Also a huge thanks once again to the "prep/slepp" team of folks
who didn't cook but did all the other work -- prepping meats, delivering
uncooked meats, picking up cooked meats, saucing and "packing " cooked
meats in holding containers, running meats to the serving areas,
cleaning up. They worked non-stop in the heat and sun, I don't know how
they did it, cooking looked easy in comparison. Thanks to Dan Cannon and
Randy Gille who ran those buffalo choppers for what looked like hours on
end to get the brisket chopped and prepared. Thanks to Glen Stanley and
the folks he knows at Coke for the welcomed donation of PowerAde and
bottled water to keep us all well hydrated. Thanks to Del for stepping
in to direct the " CBBQA troops" in what we were to cook and when and
Looked like a good time was had by the troops and their families. It was
very touching to drive into the base and see all the "welcome home"
signs and banners for the Marines who had just recently returned spread
out for several hundred yards on the fence line leading up to the
entrance. It was a sobering reminder that these men and women risk a lot
every day and it was nice to give back in a tiny way.
"Never try to teach a pig to sing,
it just frustrates you and irritates the pig"
From Brian Kreisler, CBBQA Forum comment:
I could not agree with you more. What a great experience, I learned so
much. You can read and go on forums but nothing beats being there and
learning from the veterans. I also met new people that I had not met at
Q-fest. Everybody was willing to answer your questions.
The hard work of cooking for the marines was well worth it when you saw
the smiles on there faces. At the end of the evening some of the
Military police were not able to participate but there was more than
enough food to give them. You should have seen how happy they were. One
told me he was going back to the barracks to share with the others.
Even the ladies at the front desk of the Sleepy Tortoise were thankful
we brought them some BBQ. They even thanked me the next morning at
checkout. (Dan thanks for the tray of Brisket).
All in all it was a wonderful time and I can't wait to do it again.
Brian Kreisler
From Dan Cannon, comment:
I whole-heartedly agree with everybody above. It was a great
event. Rick and I are proud to have been able to contribute to
make everybody so successful at pulling off a perfect event. Hey,
that is exactly what I said in 2006!!! But it is true.
I really want to point out that I and Rick were just a very, very, small
part of this very big thing. Many cookers, pits, helpers/prepper's,
volunteers, servers, and organizers made this happen. Many hands
make little work. Every single person and volunteer did an equally
great and fantastic job. Without every single persons
participation this could not happen.
We arrived to great weather, great company, and a great environment.
We were sandwiched between Randy Gille and Brent Walton. No place
I would rather be, unless of course, I was between two other
participants! All the amenities were in place, grease dumps,
electricity, water & refreshments (thanks to Glen Stanley and Sparkletts),
and good friends to work hard with.
As an fyi I heard from a reliable source that 4,662 pounds of Brisket
were delivered to Twentynine Palms Marine Base for our group to work
with. Those briskets had to average 15 pounds +/- so that would
mean there were roughly 310 - 320 individual Briskets to be seasoned,
cooked, and prepared for serving. The coolers they were put into
after cooking held typically 25, thus we had to process for serving
close to 14 of those containers. That was a lot of work overall
for sure. Del told me we were supposed to get 1500 pounds of
Chicken but actually got 3000. That made a bit of extra activity
on our parts as well! But as always it was a lot of effort but just as
much enjoyment. Especially getting together with old friends and
meeting new friends.
The volunteer helpers did an exceptional job of prepping ALL the meats. As
they do every year.
That included removing from packages and prepping/seasoning all the
brisket and chicken.
The base provided the sides, hot dogs, hamburgers, and serving equipment. The "Young
Marines" (the kids in red t-shirts) did the serving and very
professionally at that.
After the event many of the folks finally got a chance to relax, listen
to Foreigner, chit-chat, reflect on how the event went as a whole,
and enjoy each others company till about midnight sitting around the
cook site.
I enjoy the group Big & Rich however could not see or hear them too
well. Thus missed that part. Yes, I know, some folks thought
they were loud and obnoxious, but, that is why hey have menu's in
restaurants. Rick my partner took some good pictures which I
included above.
As usual there were some Marine police and stragglers coming by later in
the evening. I always keep sauce and pans of meat to individually
provide them with something special. This year was no different
and they all enjoyed the treat a bunch.
I hung out till about midnight relaxing after the day. The last to
leave were Brent Walton, Rick and Karen Streiff, and Bill Keys. I
was up by 06:45 and saw that Bill was pulling out. A few minutes
afterwards John and Sharon Scott also left. Rick and I were
pulling both pits back to Santa Clarita so I waited for him to arrive
from the hotel. We ended up pulling out about 08:15 and were the
last ones to leave.
Another great event for our troops and country. Thanks Tony
McDowell, Kelley Coe, Thom Emery, all the volunteers, and others that
contributed and made it so special.
Dan Cannon
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06 Jan 2015 12:33
