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The Meet, 2007
Blues - Brews - Barbeque
38 Teams

Grand Champion
Reserve Champion

: QN4U
: Asleep at the Grill
: All Hogs go to Heaven
: BBQbyDan





Pork Ribs Pork Butt

Beef Brisket

Grand Champions
Team QN4U,
Kim & Kent (Brent's brother)
Brent is resting!

Reserve Grand Champions
Team Asleep at the Grill in 2006, same this year, 2007
1st in Chicken
Team BBQbyDan
4th Place Overall Team


Trophy Medallion
3rd Place Team
"All Hogs go to Heaven"
Vince, Ted, Ardith, & Steve.
Steve has lost weight, Ardith can't get off the phone!
Team Sug's Shack,
Randy Gille snuck in there!
Team Bart's Blazin' Q
Dave & Deni Bart.
1st competition...
1st in Brisket...
Did Dr. BBQ Class...
Team Grill Sergeants
Pam Gram & Joe Miles
Pam Gram & Joe Miles Smitty's Smoke Patrol Team Tops BBQ
oRic's Ritcious Ribs & team George Baroody & Jim Mehl
KCBS Contest Representatives




The Modesto Sports Stadium   

The Modesto Sports Stadium
I arrived Friday at 11:30 and found many teams already setup. As usual Save Mart staff, Sharon Blakely, Erin Tassey, LeAnne Heckenlaible, and many assistants had everything ready and prepared for the arriving teams.  The venue preparations and provisions for the BBQ teams doesn't get better than this event.

The “team-friendly” amenities were provided upon arrival or soon after. Ice, electrical power, ash and trash cans, and water were made available to all at no additional charge. And, all space and configuration requirements were handled with a smile. Just fantastic!
Literally the entire street was dedicated to the setup of BBQ Competition teams, vendors, and equipment requirements. Of course this is really a Modesto Sporting event “The Meet” so much of the facilitation was dedicated to providing for the attendees and participants of that event. The BBQ activities are a secondary draw activity (I think).
The KCBS representatives were Jim Mehl and George Baroody who always do a great job and event. Meat inspections were performed in a timely fashion.
During and after the cooks meeting was over Brent, Kim, Pete, and Pam provided a BBQ dinner to the VIP's that make the event happen. And later to all the participating BBQ teams. It was distributed and setup in the stage / band area. It is always a welcome treat to have the organizers provide such a perk.  I especially liked Brent & Kim's homemade potato salad.  Team QN4U (Brent & Kim), the Pit Stop (Pam Gram and Pete Weaver ), and Out of this World BBQ (Gene Goycochea and Randy Gille) were vending participants and volunteers for the entire weekend.  Pam, Pete, Brent, and Kim were doing the cooking and side preparations on their own equipment.    Brent & Kim and Pete & Pam also competed in the event as well as vended which is extra hard!  Well, who won Grand Champions - Brent & Kim, Team QN4U while at the same time Pam Gram went up and picked up an award as well.  Great job teams!

Saturday went as it does in all contests. That is to say you get up early to put your ribs on, check your brisket and butt, prep and prepare your chicken, and try and ensure you have not missed any necessary tasks.

Turn-in’s were at the normal times, 12:00
= Chicken, 12:30= Ribs, 01:00= Butt, 01:30= Brisket. From 11:15 through the final turn-in it is a bit rushed and there is little time for visitors or distractions.  This time was a bit unusual for me in that I did the entire event by myself.  I did not have Barbara (my wife), Rick or Karen Streiff, or anybody else.  It was a bit fast paced but overall not too bad.

Sharon Blakely started the awards presentation at 05:00 pm and it went pretty quickly. That is always appreciated by all teams. Nice laser cut and emblem attached cutting boards along with prize checks were given out to the winners. And as usual, all teams enjoyed the victories of the day. The scores and winners can be viewed above.

One of the nicest things about the Modesto event is they have a very nice and very private large parking lot area behind the event venue where teams can go and park, relax, stay the night, and socialize and visit after the contest. This is always an important part of all contests. Part of every event is the party after the awards. One can then get to congratulate their friends and competitors on a job well done. The ability to relax, not rush home after a long weekend, chit-chat, visit with friends, and get a good nights sleep, before starting what might be a long drive home is something I look forward to at each event.

Myself (BBQbyDan), Tropical Heat (Bill (not Steve) & Dan), All Hogs go to Heaven (Steve & Vince, Ted & Ardith),  QN4U (Brent & Kim),  Kelley, and others commenced to sit around a heater, chit-chat and recall the old and new days in a humorous fashion (I think there was a lot of laughing, hey Steve, are a comedian in your other life).  About midnight most folks started retiring for the evening.

Sunday I got up at 06:30 am, policed my site, packed up the evenings party furniture, and was on the road by 07:00 am. I got home at 12:30 and started cleanup.
Overall another GREAT event that was put together by Save Mart (Sharon Blakely, Erin Tassey, LeAnne Heckenlaible, and many assistants), the city of Modesto, and all the rest of the helpers and volunteers that do all the behind the scenes and activities to make a  comfortable and fun for everybody. Also, a great jobs by the KCBS representatives (Jim Mehl and George Baroody), and the dinner and vending participants (Brent & Kim Walton, Pete Weaver & Pam Gram, Gene Goycochea & Randy Gille, and many more I am not aware of).
Thanks again in 2007 to Save Mart, the sponsors, and to all those mentioned above (and all the others I missed) who put on such a GREAT event. As in the past, it was enjoyed and appreciated by all.

Dan Cannon

 BBQbyDan®,  BBQbyDan Inc.,  BBQDan,  BBQ Whisperer,  BBQ Bivouac,  CRK Specialty Q,  Coyote Road Kill
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