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    Collapsible Windproof  Chafing Dishes,  Wind Guards, Chafing Dish Skirts, Chafer Safety Barrier, Induction and Butane Cooker Guards.  






























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E-Mail CRK Specialty "Q", Dan Cannon


Big Chill Sun & Snow BBQ Competition
Harrah’s Lake Tahoe, NV
KCBS Sanctioned

Entry fee—$150.00; all 4 categories included. Spaces are 15’ x 20’, on pavement. Entry Fee and Registration must be received by Feb 25th 2003.

You will receive an information package via postal. The information will include event information, rules and agenda. KCBS rules and regulations will be followed on this event.

Team Name ______________________________  Chief Cook __________________________

Address____________________________ City___________ State _______ ZIP ____________

Phone: Day _________________ Phone: Evening ____________________

Email Address____________________  Number of Team members____________________

Waiver of Liability: In consideration of your accepting this entry, I the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for myself, my heirs, my team, executors and demonstrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I or my team may have against Harrah’s Lake Tahoe, Jeffrey Foods Inc, PGI Inc, The California BBQ Association, The Kansas City Barbecue Society and their representatives, successors, and assigns for any and all injuries suffered by myself, my team, or my guests in the event. Further, I hereby grant full permission to the event organizers and/or agents authorized by them, to use any photographs, videotapes, recording or any other record of the event for any legitimate purpose. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the KCBS. Snow, Rain or Shine, the Big Chill Sun & Snow BBQ Competition be held. Sorry, no refunds of entry fee.

Registration Form and entry fees must be received by Feb 25th 2003 

Team Captain

X ___________________________________________________________  

Make checks payable to Jeffrey Foods Inc.
Send this SIGNED entry form and fees to:
Big Chill Sun & Snow BBQ Competition

Jeff Jones
Jeffrey Foods Inc.
134 Lisa Lee Lane  Concord CA 94518-2011